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Saturday, September 4, 2010

So I met these people....

So I was sitting at the bus stop trying to make my way to school just minding my own business. Usually, I would have my Ipod on blasting a variety mix of music ranging from Mos Def to Celiene Dion... but this time I of course forgot my wonderful Ipod at home. So I was sitting at the 163rd stop waiting for the 75 bus that would take me straight into the school (by the way I have about 10 mins to get to class on time), but i am chilling. So I see this elderly lady literally run across a busy 6 lane highway intersection just to get to the bus stop that I am at. She is running and running, really for no reason, there is no bus in sight, but I was not going to tell her that... She finally makes it to the stop, huffing and puffing trying to get out the simple woulds of "Did... the.... 75 pass... ... by?" I shaked my head no... I told her that I was waiting not that long and nothing has passed by... She said that I have to sit down...

So she sat at that bench about 5feet away from me... It just so happens that a crazy (This is what I call someone who is just not all the way there mentally who gets on the bus system, there are A LOT of them!). So this practicular crazy was of course talking to himself talking about God, and how he is Jesus' actually father... bla bla bla... I decided to move other to the other bench to join my elderly panting friend (she was more sane to be honest) Now I have to also note that she had to be at least 60something (make that late 60 something). So she started talking to me about how she had to run to go to class because she does not want to be late for her 1230 class. I told her that I also have a 1230 class. To be honest, I was thinking that she was a teacher who was running late... She kept on saying that she has an art class to go to over and over again. To me, it sounded like she was teaching the art class more than anything else. And then I asked her, how long she had been teaching, and she told me "No No No... I am student, not teacher". I was shocked as hell. Of course I have taken plenty of classes that had 30something, 40somethings, even 50 somethings takening the same lesson I am taking, but never have I had a great grandmother taking other classes at my level. I was more astonished than anything else. She was telling me that she wanted to keep her memory and knowledge up so that is why she is taking more classes to this day.  I have to appaude her... I really do. If I was 60 something, without a college degree and to be honest to be preparing for the latter part of my life, college classes would be the last thing on my mind.

In the end of it all, I actually enjoyed the time taking with this lady... I may not remember her name, or her age, but I really learned a lot from her. I would love to have seen her again just to talk more about life and  just to gain wisdom from someone who has really probably experienced everything that life has to offer.

There are of course going to be more interesting people that I meet and of course more interesting stories and even friendships to come... and imagine this is all from people that I meet while waiting for a bus.

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